Benefits of heat wave: Even in extreme heat, the body can be treated with a few benefits

The damage being done to the environment at the hands of man has also reached the point of suffering serious consequences. The weather pattern is changing drastically all over the world. Sometimes it gets hot, and sometimes it gets cold. Snow is falling where it was never thought to snow. Unusual rains have lashed many regions.

There was no flooding in the urban areas; now the rains are destroying the cities too. The devastation caused by the recent rains in Dini and other areas of the UAE was so great that the UAE government banned the uploading of footage of the devastation on social media because it was causing serious damage to the country’s business reputation.

Most of the South Asian countries, including Pakistan, are currently in the grip of extreme heat. The capital of India is New Delhi, which is derived from Delhi. The population of New Delhi is very low, while the population of Delhi is more or less two crores. It has the status of a state, i.e., a province, and also has a chief minister.

It is boiling in Delhi now. Temperature measurements have been arranged at several places in the city. – On May 29, 2024, a temperature of 52.3 degrees Celsius was recorded at Manishpur weather station. This was the highest temperature in Delhi’s known history. NDTV even claimed that it was the highest temperature in the country’s known history.

Around 90 crore or more South Asian inhabitants are facing intense summer and heat waves. Extreme heat waves have hit people several times. When there is a lot of heat, many physical complications also arise. Dysentery, cholera, gastritis, nausea, vomiting, and other diseases appear in children, and similar problems arise in adults. Today, hospitals in South Asia, including Pakistan, are overflowing with people suffering from heat-related illnesses. Heat is not tolerated by everyone.

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It is not too late for someone to come and fall into a daze. One lives in a constant state of nausea. Many suffer from vomiting due to the extreme heat. If there is no proper arrangement of air passage, it creates more confusion for children.

In extreme heat, a person becomes so exhausted that even sitting for two hours becomes difficult, and if in such a situation one has to bear the punishment of electricity load shedding, then understand that it is lost work. Now, an important question is: does extreme heat only cause damage? In the system of Allah, nothing, no condition, is useless. Crops ripen in intense heat, and fruits ripen on trees. The hot summer is also a time of income for many. This is how the world works. In such a situation, it can also be thought that some benefits will come from heatwaves as well.

In a special report, India’s leading journal, India Today, has written that a heat wave makes a person feel sick, and in such a situation, no one can think that it will be of any benefit. The truth is that Hat Dev also has a few advantages. The body also gets some benefits in this condition. The biggest benefit is that the immune system of the body improves. At the same time, the process of cell destruction is reduced and the body gets rid of acidity to a great extent. Every weather condition of extreme nature is from Allah

Therefore, its apparent disadvantages must be accompanied by some advantages. Through the organization of all these advantages, we find comfort and stability in ourselves. Have you ever thought that people who live in the heat, ie in the sun,? When working, some problems must arise for them, so we see some benefits to the body? Extreme heat reduces the growth of chicks. The process of providing new cells in the body is accelerated. Extreme heat also destroys some insects, which means that the path of diseases caused by them is also blocked. In this case, the path of this complication is also blocked for the body.

Experts say that preventing dehydration in the body is an important way to effectively protect against heat. Most of the problems arise when water is not drunk in the required amount in extreme heat. For those who deprive the body of water, rigid bodies increase. Keeping the body hydrated in extreme heat can prevent many medical complications. Dr. Hasan Wali, who has served as physician to three Indian presidents, has also been awarded India’s highest civilian award, the Padma Shri. He is a senior resident in the Department of Internal Medicine, Sarganga Ram Hospital, Delhi.

He says that heat shock proteins are produced in our body in extreme heat. Similarly, extreme cold produces cold shock proteins in our bodies. The production of these proteins strengthens the immune system of our body. But the doctors make sure that the cells that die should die at the right time. When cancer has developed in the body, the process of birth and death of cells is controlled. Our severe weather accelerates the process of cell regeneration in the body.

As a result, immune system improves, and body Pressure builds up There is a decrease in Being under pressure, the mind remains numb. Mayil Puro Malko, an expert at the Institute of Genetics, says that when our body cells are outside the normal temperature required for their growth, beta-talk proteins are produced in the body. C is a universal fact. This happens in all animals, including humans and also in plants. This was told by Dr. Jaind Rana Gopal, Chairman, Institute of Mengele Health, Amul Chand Hospital.

They say that heat shock proteins and cold shock proteins have extraordinary positive effects on our ability to think. Chow shock proteins also help reduce the severity of dementia and epilepsy. These proteins slow down the loss-detection process that occurs in brain cells. Dr. Jahan Rana Gopal said that positive results are possible through infrared therapy in patients of the line. Well, it’s not like it’s sweltering hot, windy or has a heat wave, and one goes and stands in the open and tries to reap its positive benefits. Dr. Anurag Agarwal, consultant in enteral medicine at Forensic Hospital in Faridabad, near Delhi, says that shock damages break down the breakdown in our body, but only under certain conditions.

If some specific conditions are observed, some improvement is achieved or not. If one carefully stands or works in extreme heat for some time, the functioning of the heart also improves. Extreme heat increases heart rate and improves blood flow and perspiration, which is essential for raising the body’s performance graph. As a result, it is possible to remove both waste and waste from the body. Staying in the heat for a while and taking precautions accelerates the absorption of energy from food by the body.

People who are exposed to extreme heat for some time have fewer stretch marks.
Pain is reduced and joint function is improved. Many experts say that semi The benefit that comes to the body from hot water is the same benefit that comes from sitting in the sun for some time during extreme heat, with precautions. Two or four people have been suffering from joint pain or muscle spasms for a while If you sunbathe with your back towards the sun, the body still gets the required heat.

While it can be dangerous to do so in extreme heat, this practice can be beneficial in normal heat. Experts say that one should not try to take advantage of extreme heat on one’s own. Just as no medicine can be done on its own, the practice of keeping the body energetic in extreme heat should not be done based on one’s opinion, likes, or dislikes.

For this, consultation with experts is necessary. In general, the duration of exposure to the sun during intense heat should be 10 to 15 minutes. Staying in the sun for longer than that can lead to serious complications Maybe two or four. The body can benefit even during the heat wave. The basic condition for this is that the body should not face any water shortage. It is necessary to drink seven or eight glasses of water during the day in extreme heat. In the evening hours, when the sun is not exposed, less water is also consumed.

When going out in hot weather to reap the benefits of the sun, the amount of water in the body should be up to the desired standard. And it is not necessary that only going out of the house in extreme heat can bring some benefit to the body. Experts say that moderate duration of indoor exercise can also be effective. Evaporation raises body temperature. People who take steam bath regularly have a healthy mind, lungs and skin. Complaints of hot flushes and burning are less common in them. Heart diseases were also found to be less common in those who took steam baths regularly. Bathing with lukewarm water is good, but it is not the case that a little cool shower in hot weather is harmful to the body. A Nars cold water shower shortly after finishing the workout also relaxes the body and helps to improve internal functioning.

It is not appropriate to sit at home all the time in extreme heat. A little time should be given to the body to get acquainted with the real heat by going outside. This helps keep the body temperature at the desired and reasonable level. Dr. Anupa Sardana, associated with the department of enteral medicine at Hoi Family Hospital (Delhi), says that sudden exposure to the sun in extreme heat is not healthy at all. Caution is required in this matter. One should step out of the house only when the amount of water in the body is reasonable. Staying in the sun on a turtle definitely benefits the body, so this is possible only if we fulfill a few conditions. According to Dr. Anu Baha Sardana, extreme heat does not happen just because man is a monkey in the house. Sun exposure should be done to benefit the body, but with extreme caution, as not doing so may harm the body rather than benefit it. Well, fear of harm cannot keep the body from benefiting.

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